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Digital Literacy Safety and Awareness
About the instructor
Welcome Message
What to expect in this course
Key Concept 1: The Culture of Social Media
Lesson 1: Cyber Culture
Lesson 2: The Social Phenomenon
Lesson 3: Types of Social Media Platforms
Lesson 4: Communication across platform
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Key concept 2: Safety, Awareness, and Screentime
Lesson 1: Social Media Language
Lesson 2: Safety Precautions
Lesson 3: Managing Screentime
Lesson 4: Mental Health and Social Media
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Key concept 3: Intervention and Prevention: The more you Know
Intervention: How to stay on top of Social Media Trends
Finding Support: Individual and Group Therapy
Parent Guides: FOMO and Cyberbullying
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Wrap up
Course recap
Course Survey
Finding Support: Individual and Group Therapy
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